Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Hello all,

As many of you may know, I'm in San Francisco at the moment; as of
this morning, it seems I'm going to be here a bit longer than planned.
The volcanic ash has caused my flight to be cancelled, so I'm on a new
flight for early next week.

Since I'm stuck, this week's classes are going to be postponed until
next week. This will shift the class dates as follows:

April 28 - June 9* - Wednedays: Elemental Movement (6:30-8:00pm) & Pure
Drills (8:00-9:30pm)

April 29 - June 10* - Thursdays: Combinations & Experimentation (6:30-8:00pm)

*No class on May 26 & 27 due to an event at the Urdang Academy

Apologies for the disruption to the schedule--I never guessed that a
bit of the Earth would blow up between San Francisco and London while
I was out here, and it's obviously not a situation that the airlines
are very practiced at dealing with, either. It sounds like my
rescheduled return to London is likely to happen, so we should be back
on course to relative normality next week.

I know some of you are similarly marooned and awaiting a flight
home--here's hoping that the acts of God or the airlines level out
soon and don't cause too many problems for you as you're trying to
make your way back.

Please get in touch if you need more information or have questions.
While I'm abroad, my internet access is pretty unpredictable, so if
you need a quick answer you can email hq@kimberlymackoy.com to reach
James, who is on the scene in London to help out.

I hope all is well where you are, and looking forward to seeing you all soon!


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